CyberSiARA™ | Laravel

Laravel Integration Guideline

1. Go to Resources >Views folder where your site is hosted in your server.

2. Open .php in which you are processing the input where you have added cybersiara captcha.

3. Download the SiaraShieldTokenValidationHelper.php file from here

4. Go to App>Http>Controllers and open the Controller where you are processing your form.

5. Add use App\Helpers\SiaraShieldTokenValidationHelper; In that file at top.

use App\Helpers\SiaraShieldTokenValidationHelper;

6. Get your public & private key from

7. Copy the code below before processing the request. Add your private key in “PRIVATE-KEY”.

if($request->input('CyberSiaraToken') != null || $request->input('CyberSiaraToken') !=''){
$result = SiaraShieldTokenValidationHelper::ValidateToken('PRIVATE-KEY',$request->input('CyberSiaraToken'));
/*Your submit button code here */

8. Once all these steps are done, go to your browser and refresh the page and enjoy the SiaraShield. Thank you for using SiaraShield!